Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A staging yard was there all the time.

I was looking for a spot to store more rolling stock, can't resist buying more, and was looking at the area under Patrick Creek.  There was a double cross over, (lots of trouble with it), that lead out of Grants Pass and into the tunnel under Patrick Creek.  The main line ran in the left of this tunnel and two storage tracks (Smith River) were on the right.  The cross over allowed for continuous running, with the rail on the right being the end of the line or Smith River, everything to the left is Grants Pass.
I removed the double cross over and put in three switches. I also added a run around track (the two tracks on the upper left) to represent the town of Smith River, the cross over (bottom right) allows continuous running, everything to the right is Grants Pass. The track at the bottom right (you can just see the switch) continues on to Crescent City and Smith River, if you go straight, or to Portland and Medford (on the Southern Pacific) if you go to the right.
I am thinking about block switching both tracks at Smith River.  There would be two slots for car cards, one for the Dock and one for the West Yard of which one would always be empty, arriving cars would go to the empty track and their cards to the correct slot and all the cars on the other track and their cards would be picked up. Portland could also be switched as a block, at the start of the day, the S.P. delivers all the cars from Portland and takes all the cars for Portland back.
The tracks under Patrick Creek are, from the left, Medford, on the S.P. (more on that later) the next switch divides the main line, left you go to Portland on the S.P. or on the main line to Crescent City and Smith River (this is the middle track) the next track (the right hand side track from the Smith River run a round) is divided into two storage tracks.  So there are five tracks under Patrick Creek, Medford, Portland, the main line, Smith River Dock and Smith River West Yard. The view below shows the fascia that covers the tracks under Patrick Creek

The fascia was cutout, to view the tracks under Patrick Creek.  Two shelves under this opening were set up as Medford.  Cars are brought in on the front track and five finger switched to Medford (the two shelves which hold 40 cars).  Any cars going to or coming from Medford go to the Grants Pass yard.  The car cards are kept with the cars in Medford.  When you want cars from Medford, they are five finger switched to the front track and the cards are put into the box for on line cars.  I move four cars into Medford and bring back 4 cars from Medford, thus the front track is always empty, except when switching Medford. All that space had been there all along, but it is half full already.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sawmill completed

Sawmill painted and weathered.  Logs and lumber piles added.  Just need some people now to finish it off.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sawmill part 3

 With another 147 pieces of wood, a water tower, log ramp, donkey engine pad and dock, cable towers for the log unloader, have been added to the sawmill complex. Some siding and roof sections have also been added.  Now for the tedious part of cutting out the window openings.

The second picture shows the log ramp and the log unloader with attached cables,  the 2 log cars are permanent.

Another view of the log pond.  Some of the buildings siding has been added as well as some roof sections.  The water tank tower can be seen to the right of the sawmill. If you look closely you can see a log sliding down the log dump, into the log pond. Now I need 2 men with log pikes, pushing the logs around.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

sawmill part 2

saw added to second floor, waiting to get more wood to side the sawmill.

log dump under construction I plan on putting a donkey engine on the other side with cables on poles to pull the logs off the log cars.

 old sawmill was reworked, tracks moved and saw removed as seen in next picture

by moving the building to the wall and moving the tracks, I now have a yard/team track in Cave Junction
I think this will be a better arrangement for operating.

the actual Hobbs, Pomeroy Co. box plant worked 1,250,000 feet of lumber into boxes in 1880.

Boxes were destined for bread and sugar, and for the Cutting & Co. packing house of San Francisco.  From 1,500 to 2,000 boxes were turned out daily.

mean while I kit bashed a couple of kits together for a friends N scale layout. He will be using them as part of a Talc mine complex.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

New sawmill

 I wanted a larger sawmill for my layout and liked both of these. I like the open second floor on the Coon Gap sawmill and the general shape of the other one.
 an area was cleared, track rearranged, a log pond dug and a simple mockup in place.  Looks like it will fit.
Bass wood hand sawn, cut to length and three walls layed out.
150 timbers and beams latter, the basic timber frame is complete.  More to follow as work progresses.
To put in the sawmill I will have to move the tie mill, the spar tree at Jackpine , and reconfigure the old Couger Ridge Lumber company, I want the saw plant for the second floor which will be open. This will give a longer run for my shay all the way from Happy Camp to O,Brien.

Friday, August 31, 2012

playing with picasa 3

Checking out the drawing feature on Picasa 3. 

A gon of limestone from the crusher at the foot of Marble Mountain, is spotted for delivery to the Beaver Portland Cement Company.

The gon is from a Presidents Choice Train Set.  It was shortened, new trucks and couples added and repainted oxide brown from the original bright blue.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Star Oil Co.

 The Aug. 2012 issue of MR had an article by Don Ball, Build an 1880s oil refinery, just what I wanted.

The original Star Oil Company (pictured on the Right) had to be removed.

 The brick parts for the stills and the stacks were made by glueing brick plastic pattern sheets made by JTT Architectural Model Parts, to wood cores.  The tanks were made from various plastic tubes.

To make the rivit detail to the tanks I drew lines on Avery, clear label sheets.  Then using a homemade tool (a clock gear mounted in a brass tube) I embossed the rivits from the back of the label sheet (the paper side).

The embossed sheet was cut out and stuck on the side of the plastic tube.. Be carefull not to get any wrinkles.  This process works best on straight sided tanks.

The tank was painted after some piping was added.
A group of weathered tanks have been added to the layout.
The old parts of the Star Oil co. were rearranged and the new items are added.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012


Three new boats, the coal scow is just being worked on.

A small boat for my harbour

Drag net boat.  Like how this one turned out.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Lumber camp

New details added to my lumber camp

added a hut, barrel, crate, figure and a hose to the swamp, to this scene

the camp now has 9 buildings if you include the out house.

Friday, January 6, 2012


The Applegate River on my Grants Pass Western railroad had a flood (read dishwasher leak) just like the real location does.  No damage, but my wife is happy with her new dishwasher.